

Request a column test

Find out how you could cut your wastewater costs.


Wastewater costs you money. We can help you save it.

Our on-site column test allows us to quickly assess your site-specific challenges and provide a cost-saving solution based on the issues (such as TSS and BOD) that are the most troublesome for you.

Unique variables to your operation include the materials used in production, operating line layout, cleaning processes, processing equipment used, timing of volumes, upstream and downstream processes, and local discharge conditions.

We understand better than anyone that one size does not fit all, which is why we built full-scale hydraulics laboratory facilities in both the US and the UK so that our scientists can work with you to assess your wastewater and identify the best solution for you.

Just fill out the form and we'll be in touch to arrange a test to help you find out how much you could save.

Wastewater column test

Request a column test

Just complete the form below to request a column test and we’ll be in touch.