
Industrial Solutions

Save money, improve efficiency, reduce downtime and prevent compliance breaches.

Save money

Our range of solids removal technologies capture more waste and by-product from industrial process water and wastewater, enabling business owners, operators and engineers to cut the costs of water treatment, equipment maintenance and effluent discharge.

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Reduce downtime

Our equipment removes unwanted material from industrial wastewater early in the process to stop it from clogging and damaging sensitive downstream equipment, preventing costly downtime and keeping plants operating at full capacity.

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Improve efficiency

Our solids removal technologies capture unwanted material from industrial process water and wastewater, helping plant managers and engineers to develop and operate process and water treatment systems at maximum efficiency.

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Meet regulations

Our systems remove potential sources of pollution before they become a problem, helping plant managers and environmental specialists to discharge higher quality effluent that meets environmental regulations and reduces surcharges.

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